Stand With Me is a 501(c)3 organization which has been created to serve veterans who have a service-related mental health disability.
Stand With Me does a great deal more than just train dogs for disabled veterans.
We provide an intensive service-dog training school for veteran/dog teams for an approximate duration of 1-2 years, and lifetime participation in our follow up training and mentoring programs.
The most important ingredient in effective service dog work is a well-trained human handler.
- Assistance Dog / Service Dog - Team Training
- Serving veterans with a service-related mental health disability.
- Official Service Dog Team Registration documentation and ID provided at completion of program. Recertification testing will be necessary to keep STAND WITH ME registration documents current.
- STAND WITH ME is a program designed for Veterans with a mental health disability who wish to train their own dog to become their Service Dog.
- We also provide assistance in obtaining a canine candidate for the program if you do not already own a dog.
- Our Service-Dog Training School is free of charge for all veterans who meet our requirements.
- A service dog is a member of a team. You will be the leader of that team. STAND WITH ME provides you with the training you will need to become your dog’s leader, trainer, teammate.
- Our owner/trainer program helps to create the necessary bond between human and canine for both to become effective members of a service dog team.
- The process of going through our program will have a profoundly positive impact on quality of life for both you and your dog. Developing a working team relationship with a dog is a therapeutic experience.
- This is a long term commitment. Very likely a minimum of one year of focused work.
- STAND WITH ME will provide skills, teaching and coaching, support and encouragement. Training a dog is a long term project that is not always easy, but is almost always very rewarding and uplifting.
- Must be able to have a dog where you live.
- Must live within 60 minutes of Binghamton, NY area.
- Must have resources to care for a dog. (financial, physical, emotional, cognitive)
- Must have reliable transportation to attend training program and provide care for a dog. (veterinary care, exercise, training practice in social settings, etc)
- Must remain actively engaged with your mental health treatment professional for the duration of the training program.
- Must have a written letter from your regular mental health treatment professional stating their support of your decision to train your own service dog.
- Must have documentation of your disability.
- Must be willing and able to keep your dog clean and well groomed at all times.
- Must be able to commit to at least weekly training lessons & group classes for a duration of 1-2 years. During this time, you may be required to come for lessons 2-3 times per week for short periods, if struggling through a “rough patch” with an adolescent dog.
- Under five years of age (unless application is made for an exception)
- Spayed or Neutered
- Up to date with vaccinations
- Must continue to use approved flea and tick prevention for duration of program and permanently thereafter.
- Dog must be socially tolerant. (relaxed in the company of people; non-aggressive toward other animals; free of a bite history.) Absolutely no aggression is acceptable in a service dog candidate.
- Service/Assistance dog candidates must be size appropriate. Very large dogs are unable to comfortably fit into the public spaces where service dogs are allowed under the ADA, in order to accompany their person at all times. (ADA-Americans With Disabilities Act)
- Young puppies are welcome and encouraged to join the program. If you have a young pup, apply right away. Early socialization and training is very valuable for service dog candidates.
“STAND WITH ME, Assistance Dog Team Training graduates shall be an example of excellence in our community. The plan is for you and your dog to open doors for those who will be following in your footsteps.”
The director’s name is Myrph and you can reach her at 607-727-1036 or send her an email at